Sunday, December 20, 2009
Common Sense, Relationship Saving Secrets
by Schfi Douce
John is a workaholic and doesn't spend enough time with his wife. Jane is deeply involved in their children s Life and spends most of her day tending to their needs. John feels Jane doesn't try to meet his needs. Can this relationship be saved? Or is it doomed to fail? What are some positive steps they can take to save this relationship.
Couples stay together many times for the wrong reasons. Staying together for the children or because it a matter of convenience is just not enough for a lasting healthy relationship. In order to save a relationship both parties must make a true commitment to make it last.
Have you asked yourself, "Is this relationship worth saving?" Just about every relationship can be save with some hard work, but the couple must come to terms together to make it work. There is not much that can be done if one party refuses to try any longer.
The next step in how to save a relationship is get to the root the problem or problems in the relationship. I say get to the root of the problem because sometimes the symptom of the problem can be perceived as the problem itself. Let me give you an example; You can easily confuse an affair as being the cause of a relationship break up. When in truth, the affair is just a reaction to a deeper underlying problem. Maybe the lack of true intimacy forced one of the parties to find it else where. If you don't deal with the intimacy problem, you may be able stop an other affair but some sort of other problem will eventually pop up. Dealing with core issues instead of the symptoms is key to saving a relationship. After you have gotten to the root of the real problem or problems you can start to come together on how to resolve the core issues
A great way to jump start the reconnecting process, is to hold your partners hand while listening to their concerns about life and your relationship. Try to remember that if your partner brings up a subject that is sensitive to you, don't take it as a personal attack. Take it as a concern of your partners that needs to be resolved in order to move on with the healing process. It is not a way to hurt you, but share the pain with them if it is there. Now that you and your partner have committed to building a better healthier relationship, make plan and stick to it every day. Live as one and take on the world as one.
Studies have shown that the couples that keep dating though out their relationship, stay together longer and are happier for it. That being said, make a date night. Take turns coming up with new ideas on how to spend you time together, just the two of you. If a weekly date night doesn't work for you, set aside a small window of time each day to communicate to your partner.
Don't give up. Remember that saving a relationship is an on going process. Commit to the saving the relationship and take positive steps needed to do so. Except that there is going to be bumps in the road that you will have to deal with. The key is to deal with them sooner rather than later, so as to prevent them festering into another symptom.
This is just one of the powerful techniques you can find in "The Magic of Making Up Review". Visit Schfi Douce's web site and get your free copy of She Dumped Me and I Want Her Back and many more articles on relationship advice.
The Magic of Making Up Review
How to Get Back an Ex Girlfriend
If you are thinking of ways to get back an ex girl friend. You may be trying to figure out where things went wrong or what you could have done differently. You might even be thinking of writing an apology letter or showing other signs of good will to help mend your relationship with an ex girlfriend.
In many cases this is not a good idea. For the simple fact that women are emotional when it comes to fail relationships and have a hard time knowing exactly what led to the breakup. They may not even know what they are feeling and why. Its just not a good idea to waste energy trying to figure out what went wrong.
The best thing for you to do when you are trying to get back an ex girlfriend is to try and forget about her for now. Put your energy into something else. Find something to distract you from women in general. Meet new friends and have some fun! Hey, maybe bone up on some new ways to seduce women and meet people.
If you want a full book of ideas and step by step instructions on how to get back an ex girlfriend, click here to get The Magic of Making Up
Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to make some changes in your life. Taking time away from your ex will work wonders in healing wounds for both of you.
The benefits of strategies like this one, is that it will enable you to make subtle changes in your life. And how you look at relationship. After a few months you should have a better idea of how you plan on getting an ex girlfriend back.
Do you still want to make it work? Or are you ready to let her go? If at this time you are still wanting to make it work, now would be a good time to see how she if feeling about you.
Here is your chance to be a little more direct when trying to get your ex back. You need to have a play though. Do not think for a second that going to her and begging for her to come back to you is going to work. Now is not the time to be emotional.
The better plan would be to be cool with your ex. If you have taken the time away from your ex as I suggested, she is going to miss you too. Play a little hard to get, but give her the idea that you still want her but on your terms. Give her a chance to start to rethink things.
Now, if getting back with an ex girlfriend is meant to be, this is the time it will become the most apparent. Try not to read into things too much, play it cool while keeping your distance a bit. Let her come to you and take it slow.
Frankly, that's what I did when my true love dumped me. I followed a plan authored by T 'Dub' Jackson. When my cause was almost hopeless and I was dieing inside, it hauled me up by my bootstraps and helped me get my life's love back. It's called "The Magic of Making Up" and you can check it out at:
This is just one of the powerful techniques you can find in "The Magic of Making Up Review". Visit Schfi Douce's web site and get your free copy of How to Get Back an Ex Girlfriend and many more articles on relationship advice.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How to Get Back an Ex Girlfriend
If you are thinking of ways to get back an ex girl friend. You may be trying to figure out where things went wrong or what you could have done differently. You might even be thinking of writing an apology letter or showing other signs of good will to help mend your relationship with an ex girlfriend.
In many cases this is not a good idea. For the simple fact that women are emotional when it comes to fail relationships and have a hard time knowing exactly what led to the breakup. They may not even know what they are feeling and why. Its just not a good idea to waste energy trying to figure out what went wrong.
The best thing for you to do when you are trying to get back an ex girlfriend is to try and forget about her for now. Put your energy into something else. Find something to distract you from women in general. Meet new friends and have some fun! Hey, maybe bone up on some new ways to seduce women and meet people.
Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to make some changes in your life. Taking time away from your ex will work wonders in healing wounds for both of you.
The benefits of strategies like this one, is that it will enable you to make subtle changes in your life. And how you look at relationship. After a few months you should have a better idea of how you plan on getting an ex girlfriend back.
Do you still want to make it work? Or are you ready to let her go? If at this time you are still wanting to make it work, now would be a good time to see how she if feeling about you.
Here is your chance to be a little more direct when trying to get your ex back. You need to have a play though. Do not think for a second that going to her and begging for her to come back to you is going to work. Now is not the time to be emotional.
The better plan would be to be cool with your ex. If you have taken the time away from your ex as I suggested, she is going to miss you too. Play a little hard to get, but give her the idea that you still want her but on your terms. Give her a chance to start to rethink things.
Now, if getting back with an ex girlfriend is meant to be, this is the time it will become the most apparent. Try not to read into things too much, play it cool while keeping your distance a bit. Let her come to you and take it slow.
For a full book of ideas and a step by step plan for "How To Get An Ex Back"
Click here to get "The Magic Of Making Up" by TW Jackson. He has already helped thousands world wide with his unconventional methods that work.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Get Back Together With Ex Don’t Write Off the Relationship Just Because She Dumped You
Women are fickle creatures. In 3 out of every 4 break ups, it is the woman who calls it off. But, many times they’re open to re-establishing the relationship. Breaking up may not have been a well thought out decision, but they are loathe to admit they are wrong and come back to you themselves.
Part of your job is to figure out what went wrong and change it. If she was bored in the relationship, you need to spice things up. If she was looking for a flashier guy, a makeover might be in order. And, if you were too needy, you might just need to back off for a time.
Right now, if you want to get back together with ex, you need to show her that you are exactly the kind of guy she wants to date.
One of the ways to get back together with ex is to show her that you are an in demand kind of guy. Every girl says she wants to be unique. They look for “unique” styles. But you will quickly notice that what they really want is a “unique” look that is just like all of their friends’ looks.
So, to become the in-demand guy, you have to start dating in-demand girls. In fact, dating her close friends will actually make her want to get back together with you.
If you are uncomfortable dating people who might continue to be in your life after you get back together with your ex, you can at least flirt with them. When you see your ex with a pack of her friends, don’t pay any attention to her. Instead, lavish attention on her friends. If she has a particularly plain friend, spend the most time with her. That’s one way to get back together with ex.
Look at how she reacts to you when other guys are around. When someone puts you down, does she stand up for you? That is a good sign that she is still into you and will welcome you back into her life.
When you want to get back together with ex, you need to realize that there is a new power relationship at play. You no longer belong to each other exclusively. Instead, you are two independent spheres rotating around the other.
Many guys don’t realize that this power shift has occurred. While they are down in the dumps about the break up, they don’t change their behavior pattern toward their ex. This is a big mistake.
When you want to get back together with ex, you will take advantage of the shift in power. You will woo her by changing the things that she doesn’t like about you or the relationship, become the in-demand guy that all girls want to date, and be a little bit unavailable to her. If these things don’t work, she probably has moved on and you won’t have much hope of jump starting anything.
However, in almost all cases, because women are fickle creatures, you can get back together with ex.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Falling in love is Easy,BUT!
Just wanted to share my latest article on, Entitled "Falling in Love is Easy, But getting Over a Breakup?" Hope you like it. If not, let me know. Leave a post!
Falling in love is easy.
Love at first sight, you swept me of my feet, I fell so hard for you,"your in love! Yes, we have all seen it, felt it, yearned for it. But the fax remain the same, falling in love is easy. There's even a song titled, "It's So Easy to Fall in Love."It's a great feeling isn't it. When you fall in love it's like floating on a cloud. Everything smells better, tastes better. It's so much harder to get made about things. Falling in love is one of life's grand pleasures. But as the rules go: For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
Breaking up.
Let's face it, its a loss, its a pain that can be unbearable for some. And for many, cause depression, lack of apatite, unable to sleep or sleep all the time. Over eating, the unwillingness to do even the simplest tasks. For every high there is a low. Hey, that's life, right! Without the lows would we really enjoy the highs? If there were nothing to risk for the highs, would it be worth it? Would the highs really be high?
Getting over the "Break up"
It's human nature to want the pain to go away. Nobody likes to feel the pain of a break up. Lets talk about how to get over a break up. The first step is understanding that what you feel is natural, Its what you do with it that is the important thing. You don't want to talk to your ex. This will only prolong your pain and push your ex farther away. If you want to have any kind of relationship with your ex in the future, you want to avoid crying, begging and pleading for them to come back. You will only show them that you are weak and immature. And trying to make them feel guilty is only going to make them avoid you more. No, Now is the time for self reflection. A time to try to grow. A time to make yourself a better person. Take a good hard, honest look at yourself and see if there is something you might improve upon. If there is a book you have been meaning to read or a class you always wanted to take, maybe some kind of hobby that has always interested you. Now is the time to go for it.
The better you!
Take the time to work on you. This technique has two up front benefits; A)It helps take your mind off of the break up. which speeds up the healing process. B) Helps regain your confidence. Completing a goal or finishing a task you started in the past, no matter how small, Gives you a reason to feel good about yourself. And the more reasons we have to feel good about ourselves increases the chance that we "will" feel good about ourselves. This has a snowball effect, you feel good, your confidence goes up. And when your confidence goes up people notice, you become more attracktive, more fun and easier to like. Who knows you my even win back your ex. If you still want them.
A better understanding.
I hope that this has helped in some way. It always feels good to fall in love and it sucks to go though a break up. So take that pain and make it work for you. Find a way to grow from it. You'll be a better person in the end and a better lover!
Thanks for reading and good luck.
Monday, September 7, 2009
If you want the love of your life back? You ow it to yourself to put together a plan that will work. Mr. Jackson shows you how" Step by Step." He even writes you a hand written note that use can use to get the ball rolling on the right foot.
Look at the video's then go ahead and get the tools you need to feel the "Magic of Making up!"
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Can you ever regain trust?
Of course his initial re-action has that he was done and he wanted a divorce.
After talking, crying and fighting for most of the night, they cam to the conclusion that they love each other and want to renew there commitment to one another.
It turns out that his Hobie of bowling once a week turned into a 4 night a week obsession. This left his wife at home alone to deal with there kids, the house and everything else that goes with being married with children.
So not having her needs met she develop a close friendship with a co-worker, which lead to a physical attraction. After sleeping with the other man. His wife felt such remorse and regret that she had to tell her husband what happen and how unhappy she was. All she wanted was to get back to what they were when they met.
This major event actually had the opposite effect on there relationship..A shock to the heart of the marriage if you will.
Don't get me wrong I don't believe that infidelity is ever an answer to marriage woos. But this story is a testament to love and how strong a bond to someone pull you though even the toughest of times.
What I hope you get from this is, treat your relationship with your lover as if it is the most expensive vase in the world and you have to carry it to the top of a mountain for all the world to see. Protect and Cherish the ones you love and don't take them for granted.
Thanks for reading.
Though life there are ups and downs,bumps and bruises. The ones we share them with create ties that can never be broken!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
She Dumped me, Want Her Back!
O.k. she dumped you and you want her back. The first thing you want to do is get your emotions under control. Women in general don't care for an insecure man who are clingy and needy. So, I if you are still calling her, e-mailing or text her, STOP! Don't worry. If you feel you truly had a connection with your girlfriend you can get it back. The last thing you want to do push her even further away. So break all communication with her for now.
Believe me, I know all too well what you are going though. I have made the same mistakes. Right now she is probably the only thing you can think about. You may not be able to sleep, eat or find joy in anything. That's o.k. its normal, but that's not going to get here back.
Now is the time to think about yourself. Now is the time to work on you. If you want to have any chance of getting her back you have to turn in-word. Take some time to think of what you can do to improve yourself not only for you but for her too. This will also give you something to focus on instead of her. Get in the gym, read a book or take a class even volunteer some where. Anything constructive to get your mind pointed in the wright direction.
What this does is help you mend your heart, build confidence.(woman love men who are confident(but not cocky) . Its a win,win for you. Working on yourself makes you a better person and is only going to help when you do see your ex again.
By this time you are thinking. "This is all well and good but, she dumped me and I want her back!"
If you follow what I have out lined here. The tide will begin to shift. Believe me, woman have ways of keeping tabs on you. All she be hearing is how well you are doing and she will want to know more. Hay she cared about at one time and probably still does.
So, when she does come back around you will be a more well rounded person and even more attractive then when she left you. It may seen hard to do right now. You can do it! If you want her back like I know you do, this the best course of action.
Thank you for reading my article. I'm pulling for you!
M. Closson
Though life there are ups and downs, bumps and bruises. The ones we share them with, create ties that can never be broken! Learn to med the ties.Thursday, August 20, 2009
Win Your Ex Back For Good!
If you have just lost the love of your life, Please let me be the first to say I'm sorry. I know the all consuming pain that your are going though. The consent thoughts of :what did I do so wrong, I thought he/she was the one! I tried so hard to be the perfect girlfriend or boyfriend. I have so much love to give how could this person throw it all away!
#1. Cry,eat,sleep or exercise, what ever you need to do to get passed the shock you feel right now.
#2 could also be #1. Do not call, text, write, drive by your ex. The last thing you want to do if you want your ex back is to seem needy or unstable.(stalker)) I know its hard. Its all you think about. You just want things to be back the way they were in the beginning. "If I could just talk to him/her and let him/her know how much I love him/her." STOP!
#3 Think of yourself; If you take time to heal a little and maybe work on something for yourself this will only make you more attractive to yourself and your ex. Plus it will give then time to miss you!
Here are a couple free video's that might help. Get a step by step method of winning your ex back for good and experience the magic of making up!

This is not some doctor or shrink selling his babble. This is a real guy with real life experience sharing tips and steps to a proven method that will help save your relationship