To day I want to talk about something a little different...JEALOUSY! defines jealousy as:[jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.]
Did you know that jealousy can be one of, if not the most damaging emotions in life. It can cause you to actually go insane. And the funny thing is jealousy, by my definition: Is the fear of losing something that does not belong to you.
Let's think about this for a moment, can you remember feeling jealous of someone or something? "How did she get that guy?" or "What does he have that I don't have?" "Why can't I get that promotion?"
Do you see where I am going with this? When you are jealous, you are concentrating on things that you don't have and want(or at least you think you want). You are afraid of losing something that is not your to begin with.
Instead of focusing on what you do have and are happy about, you spend wasted time dwelling on something or someone that you're convinced is out of reach for you.
When in reality, if you only took this same time to focus on your true needs and wants, you would probably far surpass any competition you perceive as a threat.
The other emotion or projections that you show to others by being jealous is insecurity. Insecurity is paper thin and everyone around you can see it. When you spend most of your time and money trying to impress the people around you or complaining to your friends and family about how unfair life is, your being insecure. Don't get me wrong, we all have our little insecurities, it's how we deal with them and accept them that make a difference in our life.
Believe me, I know. I have spent a life time trying to prove myself to everyone I have ever met and it gets exhausting. I spent many a sleepless night trying to think of the wright things to say or analyzing every angle of a certain situation so that I would be prepared for what ever outcome that came my way. INSECURITY and JEALOUSY caused the end of one marriage and nearly destroyed my second.
What I found was, when I let go of my jealousy and insecurities, life got a whole lot easier. I was more fun to be around, I made friends much easier and quicker. My wife was able to open up to me more (as well as my kids) I got more invitation to fun events, I even started to make more money! Its funny how things get so much easier when you considerate on what is important to you instead of worrying about what other people have or what other people think of you.
As insecurity and jealousy are paper thin so is happiness. When you are happy with yourself, it shows, and people want to be around you.
I don't mean to preach or tell you how to live your life, but if you seem to have difficulty in relationships and find yourself spending a little too much time worrying about what other people have or how they perceive you, maybe that time would be better spent finding out what makes you happy and in turn the people around you will thank you for it.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
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